Despite its popularity, the power law has not been without its failures and has rather come under criticism. In the paper ‘Scale-dependent price fluctuations for the Indian stock market’, Matia K, Pal M, Salunkay H, Stanley HE (2004), the authors explained how Indian stock market may belong to a universality of class different than that observed in developed markets.
In 1827, Robert Brown saw a random movement of pollen particles in water. This was called Brownian motion, also the drunkard’s walk. In 1902, Einstein proved this and confirmed the presence of atoms and molecules. This was 100 years after the atomic theory was proposed by John Dalton and was the first attempt to reconcile wave and particle theory. The debate has taken another form, as classical physics can’t be reconciled with quantum entanglement, which meant free will does not work, a particle can’t make its fate by hard work and awareness, its fate was predetermined.