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Long ESG, Short MCAP: Redefining Profitability Through Sustainable Investing

Long ESG, Short MCAP: Redefining Profitability Through Sustainable Investing

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing is here to stay. It’s naive to believe otherwise. The world is facing the consequences of environmental degradation—wildfires, floods, and melting ice caps. Arctic currents are changing, and Arctic ice is disappearing. The looming disaster might not seem visible to everyone yet, but that's because we’re trapped in a “tragedy of the commons”—where short-term thinking prevails over long-term survival. People don’t realize the urgency because it hasn’t hit them hard enough. But make no mistake—it will hurt. And when it does, governments and regulators will have no choice but to enforce ESG measures with renewed vigor. Greta and the activists are coming back stronger.